Sunday, May 10, 2009

Random Spring Farm Pics, II

Random Spring Farm Pics

One down, two more to go!

Oppossum Baby

'Mom, Mom come quick'. Any mother's heart always skips a beat when you here this tho quickly after I heard 'we found a baby opossum!' So thats why the cats were circling under the eaves of the shop. Sure enough a baby opossum was hanging out at the back corner of the shop. No mama was to be seen and with the cats looking hungrily at the shaky thing we decided we'd better help. I got my work gloves, picked him up and took him to the greenhouse. The kids pulled out an old bunny cage, tore up some newspaper and put him in. Of course, he slipped right out through the wire. Next we tried a large trashcan. This seemed to work while we researched what to do. We found that if you find a baby opossum you should do exactly what we did plus add some hot water bottles to his temporary home. Worried about what to feed him we read we shouldn't feed or water him. Thankfully we have a wild animal rehab here in the Tri-Cities! And they say we live on the back side of nowhere, Try Cecil Estep Road on the back side of Stoney Creek! We got him the sprout safely to his new home where the caretaker told us there were other opossums there just about his size. Maybe some would view us as silly to go to all that work for a wild baby but we felt much better as we drove back to our side of nowhere.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I miss the boys when they are not here. Their laughter, their energy, their thoughtfulness. Then a day like today comes along and I thoroughly enjoy my solitude. It was one of those days slated for outdoor chores. The weather did not co-operate but I plunged ahead, dodging the raindrops. I weeded and planted most of the garden in the rain. It was not unpleasant, just had to push my dripping hair out of my face now and again. When the sun would come out I would mow a bit and stop with the deluge. I think it took me five attempts but I got the entire farm mowed. I even mowed my little paths and hollows that I have neglected the past couple of years. While mowing I made a mental note of all the over-hanging branches that needed a trim. I even made it back to the same spots with the trimmers. All in all a very productive day. As dusk fell I walked my newly mown paths. I haven't retained much 'city' from my suburban upbringing tho I do love a mowed lawn. Up here in the mountains it has a differnt smell than down in the flatlands with all the concrete. Tonight the freshly cut grass blended with the moist, rotting smell of the forest and it was intoxicating. The muted colors of spring under the lowering clouds and the setting sun were beautiful and calming.

I can't wait til the boys get home to explore all the newly, re-cut paths. But I relish in the peacefulness of the day.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wonderful Weekend!

What a beautiful weekend! We had Guthrie’s birthday party Saturday and I think everyone had fun. I know the boys and I did. It was so nice having people over again – hanging out, good food, music, enjoying the mountain. We used to have several parties a year out here. One pig party and several smaller gatherings. Saturday I felt as if things were getting back to where they should be.

Someone asked a friend if she was a ‘homeschooling’ friend or some other friend. I had the thought at the time, how does someone have a ‘something’ friend? We all have people we know from this activity or that tho a friend is just that, a friend. I might have met this particular friend through homeschooling or maybe ‘college’ or maybe work or …. But the end result is they are a friend pure and simple. And the group of friends that showed up Saturday are some of the best. It is so nice to be doing things with these friends again. I knew there was a hole in life when the boys went to school and I went back to work because I couldn’t see these friends as often. Now I am so thankful to be able to see them again on a semi-regular basis and once we get out of school we’ll be back in the thick of it again! I have spent a lot of years spending time with people I am not always comfortable with and I have never had that problem with this group of absolutely awesome people.

Bring on the summer!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm back!

I am not very sure that anyone else will realize that I am back to the blogging world and I guess that is OK. I actually can not put everything into words yet though I am thinking it will not be long. Once everything sinks in I should be up and running. It has been over two years since I blogged last and that time period has been filled with such joy and such anxiety I am not sure where to begin. I guess the best thing is to start at the beginning. There is a part of me that wonders who will be reading this and how should I approach this. Then I suppose I think it doesn't really matter - this is my blog, my space and if you don't like it don't read it!

The reason I stopped blogging was my life as I knew it pretty much fell apart. I was happily homeschooling my boys at the time tho except for some very good friends that was the only good thing in my life. I suppose most people look at the fact that a couple with two beautifully happy children is a good thing and don't mess with it. However, if that couple, or one of that couple, is miserable then it really isn't a good thing at all. So, in a nutshell, I decided that my happiness was important. Yes, my children did, and always will, come first in my life. AND I see that my happiness as an individual is also important. It is not only important to me but to them as well. All to often we go through life with 'should be's' and 'ought to be's' and 'have to's'. I wanted my children to understand that at some point they have to make their own happiness. And being with someone who makes you miserable is not a choice I want them to make.

So two years ago I got a divorce. And let me tell you, next to having my babies, it was the best decision I have ever made. Now, I am my own person. I decide what is best for me. I am not last in line. As of today, the boys and I own our own farm. We can get back to living life as we see fit. We can get back to homeschooling. I hope that people see that I am still the wonderful mom I always was and that my two boys are getting the best things in life they can. They are allowed to be who they are, to chase their own dreams, to not be pressured into being who others want them to be, to find their own happiness.

Stop back by if you would like.