Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Glorious Wood!

What is it about an afternoon at the woodpile? I know there are more satisfying things out there tho today I can't think of any. I have a good friend who admiringly (at least I like to think so) tells people how much I love to split wood and that I am pretty dang good at it. Tho I think he really thinks its a little strange. Girls aren't supposed to be so taken with a maul and a sweet round of oak. I had about 30 big rounds of ash and oak that were just too big for me to split. I have a nice neighbor who brought his wood splitter over yesterday and split them for me. So I spent this afternoon moving the drier wood forward, filling the ring at the house and generally having a good time. Seems the boys are taken with wood too. They rarely turn down a request to lend a hand transporting the stuff. And of course,I love the warmth of that fire on a cold night like tonight. Stay warm everyone.


CG said...

I'm with you in that I LOVE to split wood! If I'm grumpy, give me a maul and an ax. Truthfully a chainsaw works for me too except when it becomes cause for more frustration which a bow saw, an maul and an ax pretty much never cause more frustration.

AND there is nothing that feels sexier to me that being so strong. Man or woman. Me or someone else.

Which, even a big round of oak can usually be split if you work from the outside in. At least that's what I resort to as we've no friends with splitters (that I know of).

Miss you!

Leslie Shelor said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!